How do I register to take part?
To be included in future research projects, simply complete the short form on our Register page.

How will I find out about projects?
When we receive a request for research, we draw participants from our database based on a range of criteria provided to us by the company conducting the research. If you fit the profile we are looking for, you will be sent an email invitation. Clicking on a link in the invitation email will take you directly to the screening survey. If you meet the criteria and are selected, we phone you and you will be invited to participate.

After talking to you, we will confirm your attendance by email and then again 24 hours before the actual event. You will need to be at the nominated venue at least 10 minutes before the appointed start time. This is very important as latecomers will not be accepted into the discussion and do not receive any payment! We ask you to let us know as soon as possible if you know that you will be unable to keep your appointment so that we can find a replacement.

Do I have to take part in every project?
No. You can choose which projects you are interested in or available to take part in. If you are not interested in participating simply don’t open the link.

What if I am chosen and can’t go?
You must contact us as soon as possible by phone or email. We request 24 hours minimum notice where possible for non-attendance.

What do I need?
To join, you simply need your own unique email address and mobile phone number, as well as frequent access to your emails. Please note that we do require photo ID to be presented at every session or group.

How do I get paid?
Our projects are paid predominantly by CASH on the day. For some projects you will receive payment by cheque, EFT or occasionally a major chain store voucher – NEVER ‘points’. You will be advised of the payment method and amount. If you are invited to participate in a focus group or interview you will be offered a cash incentive typically between $70 and $100 per session. This can be much more for specialised and high profile audiences

How often can I participate?
There are industry requirements specifying how often people can take part in market research sessions. It puts a limit on the number of times someone can attend focus groups to prevent the same people attending too often and skewing the results for clients. These usually range from once every 3 – 6 months but you are still able to participate in other forms of research like face to face interviews and taste testing. However, there are variations on this rule. Some jobs require a 12-month period since last taking part and some do not have any exclusions.

Who can take part?
Anyone aged over 14 years and living in Australia can register.

Can I take my children or a friend with me?
No, this is not possible unless specifically arranged with us beforehand.

Will you try to sell me something?
No, the information you share with us is for market research purposes only. You will never be asked to buy or recommend a product or service.

Where are the focus groups and how long do they take?

Focus groups last on average between 1.5 – 2 hours; they can take place during the day, evening and some weekends at a range of venues all over metropolitan and regional Australia. Interviews may take 30 minutes to 1 hour.

What types of market research might I participate in?

You may be asked to participate in focus groups, questionnaires over the phone, by trialling existing or new products, mystery shopping, watching a television pilot or preview a movie, be involved in a one on one interview, complete an in home study, come to centralised taste test or take part in an online survey. Most research projects are interesting and fun to take part in!

Will I be reimbursed for my travel expenses?

The incentive payments that you receive will vary according to the type of research and the time it takes for you to participate. There is not usually any additional payment for travel or parking expenses.

Can I opt out if I want to?

You can unsubscribe from the database at any time by sending us an email. You are under no obligation to accept an invitation to participate in a survey but if you do accept – we do expect you to make a firm commitment.

Privacy Policy

Will my privacy be protected and my information kept confidential?

We will NEVER give your personal data to outside parties without your permission. Your privacy is valued and protected in accordance with the National Privacy Principles contained in the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988 (Act No. 119 as amended), and the Market and Social Research Privacy.

You are able to register at any time via the web site. In doing so they provide their name, gender, postcode, email address, mobile phone number and year of birth. You may be contacted by email, SMS or telephone from time to time offering the opportunity to participate in a market research project. Any personal information given by you to us will not be sold or traded. Member participation is at all times voluntary.

Changing or removing your details

Members are able to update their personal information on the web site at any time. This is achieved by logging into the designated area. Members can remove or amend their details at any time via the ‘change your details’ login area of the web site.

Storage & Security

We will take all reasonable steps to ensure your registration information is secure by using products and security systems that offer high levels of protection from unauthorised access. You can assist in this process by not revealing your PIN details to anyone. Your PIN can be changed at any time if you believe your PIN has been compromised.

Project Results

The information provided by Members in responding to a questionnaire is held by us and is used only for a specific project. The data collected is passed to a Client without any information which would identify the Member, unless the Member has specifically authorised that this information can be made available.